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Yes, AQUILA is an exceptional educational resource—and much more. It encourages readers to explore subjects beyond their favourites, introducing fresh ideas that may not be covered in school. Our aim is to help children develop a well-rounded, multi-dimensional perspective on the world. AQUILA is fun, quirky, and thought-provoking, promoting critical thinking while broadening children’s interests and inspiring a lifelong love of learning.

AQUILA stands out for its depth and quality of content. Each issue is packed with a surprising amount of information—comparable to the word count of a typical children’s book—making it perfect for children who prefer facts over fiction. The tone is witty and engaging, with lighthearted, off-the-cuff remarks from the editor that make it enjoyable for adults as well. AQUILA never talks down to its readers; it respects their intelligence, presenting complex ideas in an inspiring way. The magazine features unique illustrations that are full of color and energy, further enhancing the content.

Each issue of AQUILA is crafted by award-winning editor Freya Hardy, with every new topic bringing its own set of challenges. To meet these, we draw on a diverse range of voices from around the world. Our editorial team includes talented writers, scientists, subject specialists, teachers, and artists, all collaborating to create a balanced and engaging experience. Together, we weave a rich tapestry of words and imagery, ensuring that every edition is both informative and captivating.

AQUILA posts to more than 100 countries worldwide, including America, Australia and New Zealand. The magazine will go direct to the child in any country. When the time comes for a renewal notice this will be sent to you, wherever you may live!

Buy AQUILA on this website or by phone (01323 431313, weekdays 9 – 4pm). AQUILA has been in publication for nearly 30 years, but it’s only available from the publisher on this website. Discounts you might see on other websites are not genuine offers.